October 28, 2023

Are "ISTP" and "INTJ" MBTI Types More Likely To Be Kinky Dommes?

BDSM Femdom and MBTI (Myers -Briggs)

I found a chart that lists MBTI Personality types according to how the various types might tend in terms of BDSM likelihoods - where they might fall on a "vanilla" to "kinky" scale, as well as where they might place on a "Dom" to "Sub" scale. 

In terms of femdom it appears the likeliest Myers-Briggs types to find dominant women would be the "ISTP" and "INTJ" Types


It's important to note that typing historical or public figures is speculative since we can't directly test them. While the MBTI is a popular tool for personal development and is widely used in various settings, it has faced criticism for its scientific validity. As such, it's important to take these speculative typings with a grain of caution. They offer an interesting lens through which to consider these famous women but are by no means definitive or authoritative.

What is The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a popular but scientifically controversial tool for categorizing personality into one of 16 different types based on responses to a questionnaire.

Which famous women, alive and from history, are likely to be ISTP on the Meyers Briggs Type Indicator?

The ISTP type, often described as "The Virtuoso," is characterized by introversion (I), sensing (S), thinking (T), and perceiving (P). ISTPs are known for their observational skills, hands-on approach, and adaptability.

Based on biographical information and observed behaviors, some figures are thought to exemplify ISTP characteristics.

Here are some famous women, both from history and currently alive, who might be considered ISTPs:

  • Amelia Earhart - The famed aviator was known for her pioneering spirit, technical aptitude, and a desire for adventure. Her independent nature and drive are consistent with ISTP traits.
  • Katharine Hepburn - The legendary actress was known for her independence, sharp wit, and practicality, characteristics that can align with the ISTP profile.
  • Joan Jett - The rock musician's hands-on approach to her craft and her down-to-earth nature might suggest an ISTP type.
  • Frances McDormand - The award-winning actress is known for her straightforwardness, practicality, and commitment to her roles, traits that may align with the ISTP profile.
  • Sia - The singer-songwriter's inclination towards privacy, combined with her unique and hands-on approach to music, might suggest an ISTP nature.
  • Cameron Diaz - The actress has often showcased her practical, straightforward nature in interviews, which can be consistent with ISTP traits.

These categorizations are speculative and not definitive. The MBTI itself is based on Carl Jung's theories but has been critiqued by psychologists for its reliability and validity issues. 

Nonetheless, many people find value in the MBTI for personal growth, career development, and understanding interpersonal dynamics.

Which famous women, alive and from history, are likely to be INTJ on the Meyers Briggs Type Indicator?

The INTJ personality type, often referred to as "The Architect" or "The Mastermind," is characterized by introversion (I), intuition (N), thinking (T), and judging (J). INTJs are known for their strategic minds, high standards, independence, and visionary thinking.

Based on biographical data, writings, and observed behaviors, the following famous women might be considered INTJs:

  • Ayn Rand - The novelist and philosopher behind works like "Atlas Shrugged" and "The Fountainhead" was known for her systematic philosophical system (Objectivism) and her strong opinions on individualism and capitalism. Her logical, visionary approach to topics aligns with typical INTJ characteristics.
  • Jane Austen - The celebrated author of novels like "Pride and Prejudice" and "Sense and Sensibility" crafted intricate social commentaries with precision, wit, and insight. Her ability to weave complex plots and characters suggests the meticulous planning often seen in INTJs.
  • Angela Merkel - The long-serving Chancellor of Germany is often described as analytical, reserved, and forward-thinking. Merkel's methodical and strategic approach to politics and leadership could suggest an INTJ type.
  • Hedy Lamarr - Known as both an actress and an inventor, Lamarr co-invented an early version of spread spectrum communication technology, a precursor to modern Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Her innovative thinking and drive align with INTJ traits.
  • Susan B. Anthony - The American social reformer and women's rights activist was strategic and visionary in her approach to securing women's right to vote. Her determination and logical approach to social change are consistent with INTJ characteristics.
  • Emily Brontë - The author of "Wuthering Heights" was known for her independence, introspective nature, and the depth and complexity of her novel, which may suggest INTJ tendencies.

Well, there you have it - it's all speculative - so take it for what it is...  

The MBTI itself is based on Carl Jung's theories and has been criticized by many psychologists for reliability and validity, but many people do find value in the MBTI for personal growth, career development, and understanding interpersonal dynamics.

October 11, 2023

Queen Victoria: A Titan Among Monarchs

Who Is Queen Victoria?

Queen Victoria (1819-1901): British queen whose reign marked the height of the British Empire and the industrial revolution.
"Titan's Reign: The Victoria Saga" plunges into the thrilling life of Queen Victoria. A fearless warrior ruling an empire on which the sun never sets, battling conventions, shaping an era. Witness the explosive journey of an iron-willed Queen, transforming controversies into triumphs in this epic action-adventure blockbuster.

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