April 30, 2023

Bad Ass Women Who Shaped History (Part One)

Unyielding Amazons: The Fierce Women Who Shaped History

  • Cleopatra VII (69-30 BC): Last pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, skilled leader, diplomat, and strategist.
  • Joan of Arc (1412-1431): French peasant girl turned military leader, guided by divine visions during the Hundred Years’ War.
  • Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603): English monarch who navigated religious conflict and established England as a global power.
  • Harriet Tubman (1822-1913): Escaped slavery to become an abolitionist, conductor on the Underground Railroad, and Civil War scout.
  • Mulan: Legendary Chinese warrior woman who disguised herself as a man to take her father’s place in the army.
  • Sacagawea (1788-1812): Lemhi Shoshone woman who guided the Lewis and Clark Expedition across the western United States.

Throughout the annals of time, there have been those who dared to defy convention, challenge the status quo, and carve their names into the fabric of history. 

Among these legendary figures are six indomitable women, whose courage, wisdom, and determination shaped the world as we know it. 

Let us honor the epic sagas of Cleopatra VII, Joan of Arc, Queen Elizabeth I, Harriet Tubman, Mulan, and Sacagawea.

April 04, 2023

Who Was the Empress Dowager Cixi?

The Empress Dowager Cixi

The Iron Fist Behind the Throne of Imperial China

Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908): As a dominant figure in Chinese politics during the late Qing Dynasty, Empress Dowager Cixi effectively controlled the Chinese government for decades. Though she implemented some reforms, she has been criticized for her alleged ruthlessness, extravagance, and involvement in the violent suppression of opposition. While she may not fit the BDSM dominatrix archetype, her domineering political actions inspire ChatGPT to give her a Dominatrix index of 8.

The Empress Dowager Cixi, one of the most powerful women in Chinese history, remains an enigmatic and controversial figure. Despite her undeniable influence, she is often remembered for her ruthless and domineering actions that shaped the late Qing Dynasty. This article delves into the darker side of Cixi’s life and reign, exploring the harsh methods by which she maintained control.

The Early Years

Born into a modest Manchu family, Cixi’s life was forever changed when she was selected as a concubine for Emperor Xianfeng. Her intelligence, beauty, and cunning nature caught the emperor’s attention, and she quickly rose through the ranks within the imperial harem.

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